Sumit Manav: it’s a whole lifestyle, not just yoga
Classes at one of his four Lifestyle Yoga studios in Dubai are an entirely different experience than many of the city’s enthusiasts might be used to...

Find your chi
If you’re suffering from a bout of cabin fever this summer, it might be time to pull out the yoga mat...

Energize your body with water and stretch
With over 9 million people and thousands of tourists moving around the UAE daily, life can be very stressful in this..

Sun salutation or Surya Namaskar: Many people in the West look for the best exercise routine to help them stay in shape. Here is something that has been around for thousands of years

Stretch your way to health
You may find yourself quite bent in these classes, but mimicking a pretzel is a small price to pay for a healthy body, wouldn’t you say?..

Work it at the gym to twerk it at the club
The annual survey, conducted by the Dubai-based Lifestyle Yoga, polled more than 1,500 people across the UAE and found that the younger...

Can yoga improve your asthma symptoms?
Performing yogic asanas or postures can improve mild to moderate asthma, says a 2012 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

Revolved Head-of-Knee Pose (ParivrttaJanuSirsasana)
This is a deep, seated twist that stretches the whole body, and strengthens your legs and core. It’s a powerful variation of the forward fold, Head-of-Knee Pose (JanuSirsasana)...

ShofiMafi focus on the important events in Dubai
Sumit Manav, Founder of Dubai Lifestyle Yoga said about this survey,” Dubai has a very stressful lifestyle, people are under a lot of pressure because of their office work

Quite a stretch
Try yoga for an easy way to drop your sugar levels and get healthy WE SUGGEST A few yoga poses to alleviate the symptoms of diabetes and/or to improve your overall health.

More youngsters turning to fitness workouts now: Research
Young residents across the UAE are increasingly turning to high-intensity fitness workouts such as yoga, Pilates and Zumba to de-stress...

Good News For Abu Dhabi’S Fitness Buffs
Fitness enthusiasts in Abu Dhabi will now be able to discover the rejuvenating power of yoga on the mind and body with the help of the most advanced yoga workouts designed to eliminate stress and lifestyle-related health problems.

Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)
This asana is namedChakrasana because the entire body is shaped like a wheel while practicing it. It is also known as UrdhvaDhanur asana where Urdhva stands for “upright” or “elevated” while Dhanur means “bow”.

Good News For Abu Dhabi’s Fitness Buffs
Fitness enthusiasts in Abu Dhabi will now be able to discover the rejuvenating power of yoga on the mind and body with the help of the most advanced yoga workouts designed to eliminate stress and lifestyle-related health problems.

TimeOut Dubai
A traditional yoga centre by the Trade Centre, Lifestyle Yoga focuses on the lifestyle aspect of yoga. With both online and in-person classes, the teachers here focus on perfecting your asanas to release built-up stress.