The significance of the number 12 cannot be overstated. Across cultures and countries, the
number has a special significance. As LSY enters the teenage years, I want to share some
thoughts that has transformed many lives, including mine. Some of our daily memories and
fun facts with the number 12 are –

As LSY completes 12 years since being formed, here is
a brief history of evolution. To celebrate the
milestone, we have some special offers promoting
wellbeing – be assured that once you enroll, you will
certainly have at least 12 benefits, if not more!
Apr 20th, 2009 was the official start to the journey, when LSY was
established as a company in UAE. I was a Yoga instructor with one of the
institutes in Dubai for a year, during which time, the idea took shape.
Having my own company, I thought I could fine tune Yoga to the developing
needs and aspirations of people. As Lao Tze said, the journey of a
thousand miles begins with one step.
Through my learning years at the various institutes in India – Dev Sanskriti
Vishwa Vidyalay Rishikesh, BKS Iyengar Institute of Yoga, Pune and
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi– where I learnt the Art and Science of
Yoga, one of the thoughts that held me firm was that this beautiful art must
be passed on to as many humans as possible.
A system that does not require significant capital investment but only time
commitment with numerous collateral advantages in terms of health and
well-being must be shared for the benefit of humanity. With this thought
in mind, I started the journey with the help of a few friends and
well-wishers, infinite blessings of my Gurus, support from local
sponsors and an innate belief in my journey.

Now, with 12 years of experience running LSY under my belt (which was
a result of my Yoga practice since the age of 14), having evolved from
in-studio classes to offering both virtual and in-person sessions, having
conducted Corporate Training sessions, international Yoga retreats, I
feel a sense of satisfaction and happiness. The future also looks
optimistic and promising.
American author Greg Anderson’s words echo in my
mind – “Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy
is found, not in finishing an activity but in doing it!”
As LSY completes 12 years since being formed, here is
a brief history of evolution. To celebrate the
milestone, we have some special offers promoting
wellbeing – be assured that once you enroll, you will
certainly have at least 12 benefits, if not more!
These words seem so apt to LSY practice of teaching Yoga. The eastern
philosophy that you continue to strive towards elusive union with the
Universal Force, hoping someday, some moment, you may achieve it is
starkly different to many other forms of thinking where practice makes
perfection possible. The joy of the activity can continue forever, when
one keeps striving towards the ultimate.
Through the 12 years at LSY and interactions with students and friends, I
have learnt that good company in one s journey makes it so much more
pleasurable. So, friends, let us continue to motivate each other and
enrich our lives.
I thank you for being part of LSY journey and look forward to engaging
through the turbulent teenage years. Remember, of course, if we
pause, breathe, step back, observe and exhale the turbulence will
pass and we can all achieve the balance in Life.

Abhaysa Vairaagyam Thannirotham — a consistent and constant practice with non attachment leads to achievement of the perfection!
“Perfection in an asana is achieved when the effort to perform it becomes effortless and the inrinite being within is reached.” BKS lyengar