Accredited 200 hr
Take your passion for Yoga to the next level; deepen your practice to learn how to teach and pass on your Yogic knowledge and love to others.
World-class renowned Teacher Yoga Training, brought to you right in the heart of Dubai by a collaboration between Lifestyle Yoga Dubai and the Indian Association of Yoga. The Teacher Yoga Training course is designed in accordance with the World Yoga Alliance (WYA).
This foundational 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Dubai course will improve your practice while working on the many layers of Yoga to strengthen your confidence and solidify your inner voice.
Aspiring to teach Yoga is a beginning in itself; this program will be led by Kamakhya Kumar and Sumit Manav expert , Yoga gurus who will make you master the fundamentals so that you could mark the beginning of your successful path as a Yoga instructor.
The Best 200 Hour Training Online in Dubai
Lifestyle Yoga is the industry leader in 200 hours yoga teacher training in Dubai. We have been providing online classes and teacher training for the last two decades. Our 200 hours yoga teacher training are accredited, and persons trained in our institute hold high positions in various yoga centres and academies. There is a huge demand for yoga teachers now, and 200 hour yoga training Dubai will help you build an amazing career in the yoga industry. Our courses cover all the departments of yoga, including all the asanas, meditation, philosophy and more. Our training programs are worthwhile and provide you with an enriching experience, even if you are a teacher already.
Our yoga 200-hour training online course not only imparts the knowledge and practicalities of yoga but also instruct how you can become a renowned teacher in the most authentic way. Join our yoga studios Dubai to kick start an amazing career in yoga teaching and training.

Core Yoga Trainer
Sumit Kumar Manav is a celebrated Yoga personality and has been acknowledged as one of the top 10 Yoga teachers from India. His revolutionary fitness techniques have been well acclaimed by both regional and international media.
This intensive 4-weeks’ course is conducted 6 days a week, with a possibility to follow up with a month of internship and post-internship teaching with us after the course ends.
This course aims to prepare a Yoga instructor who is not only qualified to pass on his Yoga knowledge to other student but is able to effectively build the proper foundation of Traditional Yoga practices in the hearts to those who aspire to incorporate Yoga into their daily lives.
Every Yoga instructor needs to know the fundamentals of Yogic principles and practices in order to implement these practices correctly in front of student groups. Aspiring Yoga teachers must also understand the importance of maintaining a positive Yogic attitude in their lives.
Based on this, this course combines the deepest components of the principles of Yoga, all Yoga practices, and teaching methods.
Upcoming 50 Hours

Our 200-Hour
- Prepared students around the principles of Yoga
- Train participants about how to adopt a proper Yogic-friendly lifestyle
- Educate about requirement needs for the healthy development of successful yoga instructor.
- Understand the methodology of effective Yoga teaching
- Learn various techniques that are necessary for Yoga teaching
- Develop the capacity to organize and lead Yoga classes
- Help participants learn & understand the fundamentals of Yoga
The 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training course includes 120 hours of yoga practical and 80 hours of theory; a combined total of 200 hours of Yoga teachings.
- Yoga Practical Techniques (total 120 hours with 80 contact hour)
- Yoga Theoretical (total 80 hours with 60 contact hour)
- Homework (total 50 non-contact hours)
“Only for those who dare to dream.” – Sumit Manav, Founder & CEO of Lifestyle Yoga Dubai.
Module - 1: Foundations of
The topics included in this paper will help the participants in comprehending the basic principles and philosophy of Yoga.
- To familiarize the participants with Yoga
- To provide the participants with basic knowledge about essential concepts of Yoga
- To develop a modern approach and context towards Yoga amongst the participants
Unit I: Yoga Its Meaning and Importance
Unit II: History of Yoga from Vedic to Modern Times
Unit III: Gyan Yoga & Bhakti Yoga
Unit IV: Karma Yoga & Raja Yoga
Module - 2: Introduction to
The topics incorporated will help the participants in understanding Yoga as a whole in the context of health.
- To familiarize the participants with standard texts of Yoga
- To make the participants understand various facets of Yoga
- To make the participants learn about the steps of Hatha Yoga
- To make the participants learn about the steps of Astanga Yoga
Unit I: Shatkarma and Asana
Unit II: Pranayama and Mudra-Bandha
Unit III: Concept of Chitta and its Modification
Unit IV: Introduction to Patanjali Yoga
Module – 3 Introduction to Human Body
The topics included will provide the participants with an understanding of the concept of subtle bodies and various biological systems of the human body. They will also know the effect of Yoga on Human body systems.
- To provide the participants with basic knowledge of subtle bodies according to the Yogic concept
- To provide the participants with an understanding of various biological systems of the body
- To make the participants learn about the effect of Yoga on Human Body
- To make the participants comprehend the role of Yoga in health management
Unit I: Concept of Subtle Bodies
Unit II: Introduction to Human Body according to Modern Science
Unit III: Effect of Yogic Practices on Human Body
Unit IV: Yogic Practices for
Module – 4 Health and Disease in Relation to
The topics included will provide the participants with a basic concept of Health and disease in relation to Yoga. They will also know the hygiene, nutrition and their role in physical health.
- To make the participants understand the meaning and definitions of Health
- To provide the participants with an understanding of the relation of Health and disease
- To highlight and comprehend the role of hygiene and diet, and Yogic aspects in the context of health
Unit I: Health Its Meaning and Importance
Unit II: Concept of Health & Disease
Unit III: Hygiene and Yoga
Unit IV: Diet in relation to Yoga
Module - 5: Methodology for
Yoga education-oriented pedagogy will help the participants in understanding various methods and techniques required for imparting Yoga-specific education to school children and the community.
- To orient the participants towards Yoga teaching
- To help participants learn various techniques necessary for Yoga teaching
- To develop in participants the skills of communication as a yoga teacher
- To help the participants develop the capacity for organizing Yoga classes/camps/ workshops
Practical - 1
Body and mind need to be purified. A complete body needs to be brought into a preparatory stage for undertaking Yogic practices. Participants need to make every part of their body flexible and receptive to the instructions and suggestions.
- To help participants learn Yoga practices that clean sense organs and internal organs
- To help participants learn Yoga practices that purify Higher Nervous System and the mind
- To assist the participants in learning Yoga practices that prepare the body for higher Yogic practices
- To help the participants in learning Yoga practices that make body receptive and flexible
- To help trainers understand the physiological effects of loosening joints, proper blood circulation, and smooth Pranic flow
- To acquaint the participants with the relevance of Sukshma Vyayayama, Surya Namaskara, and Yogasanas
- To help the participants in learning Yoga practices that enhance the vital force in the body
Yogic Kriyas
- Jalneti
- Sutraneti
- Trataka
- Kapalbhati
- Agnisar
- Sandhi-Sanchalan Practice
- Udar Sanchalan Practices
- Shakti-Bandha
- Pragya Yoga
- Surya Namaskar
- Tadasana
- Tiryak Tadasana
- Kati Chakrasana
- Vrikshasana
- Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
- Gadudasana
- Natrajasana (simple)
- Sukhasana (Easy Pose)
- Vajrasana (Adamant Pose)
- Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
- Simhasana (Lion Pose)
- Gomukhasana (Cow Pose)
- Paschimottanasana (Posterior Stretching Pose)
- Yogamudra (Symbol of Yoga)
- Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
- Vakrasana (Twisting Pose)
- Ardha Matsyendrasana (Partial Matsyendrasana Pose)
Lying Down
- Bhujangasana (Snake Pose)
- Dhanurasana (Bow-Curve Pose)
- Shalabhasana (Locust Pose)
- Ardha Matsyasana
- Matsyasana (Fish Pose)
- Supta vajrasana
- Halasana (Plough Pose)
- Viparitakarani (Technique of Retro-fusion)
- Sarvangasana (Shoulder Standing or Semi-Reverse Pose)
- Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)
- Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
- Pre-Pranayama – Awareness of Breath
- Yogic Breathing
- Anuloma Viloma
- Nadishodhan
- Ujjai
- Bhramari
- Bhastrika
- Sheetali
Bandha And
- Shanmukhi Mudra / Yoni Mudra
- Kaki Mudra
- Sambhavi Mudra
- Hasta Mudra
- Uddiyana Bandha
- Jalandhara Bandha and
- Mula Bandha
- Days Off: Friday, May 17th and May 24th
- 09:00-011: 00-Morning Intensive Yoga
- 11:00-17:00 study and practice including breaks
- Last day of the training (Tuesday, June 4th)
- 09:00-11:00 – morning intensive Yoga
- 11:00-13:00 – Closing session & Ceremony
- Total: 22DAYS
- End of Course: June 4th
- Internship: Immediate after the course finishes
The Morning Intensives are the daily asana practice and its and most important. The intensives run at 9:00 am – 11:00 am daily (Friday OFF). They include asana, pranayama, kriya, Mudras and meditation practice.
They are an integral part of the programme where techniques are learned, skills are sharpened and the fire of transformation is fuelled. The commitment to practicing with the same group of yogis over an extended period of time has enormous power in it.
Teacher Training
You can secure your seat by paying AED3000/- which is a Non-Refundable Fees & balance can be paid one week prior to training.
Rates include Books, Manual, Exam, Certificate.
10 + Book set
Water and Towel
FREE Valet Parking
Personal Yoga mat
Yoga belt – 2 Blocks
Pen and Notebook for note taking
Change of clothes

We are an International Yoga Organization with the Head Division based in India and Thailand. WYA also has Divisions in Europe as well as WYA Member Yoga Organizations and Institutes across the world. Countries include Greece, Cyprus, Argentina and Latin American countries, Hungary, Spain, The Netherland and the other European countries.
WYA Head division consists of a group of professional doctrines who have studied for over 76 years and have practiced Yoga in the field and have created this organization to share the expertise of our knowledge. University Accreditation in all aspects of Yoga, philosophy, Ayurveda medicine, asana practice and life dedication to Yoga has enabled us to set a high standard of teaching practice for anyone who joins one of our yoga teacher training courses regardless of which country you may be attending your yoga course with WYA Certification.
World Yoga Alliance prepares all those yoga teachers or Schools, for the international level, who are capable of giving the knowledge of yoga and for this preparation WYA organized Workshops and conferences at international level that’s helps in increasing the knowledge bank and then they become able to teach at international level and We provide them the registration and Certification. World Yoga Alliance Registry provides worldwide recognition of teacher’s knowledge, training or courses, and experience. Employers feel confident hiring a high standard yoga professional knowing that your training meets our standards. World Yoga Alliance registered teacher or registered school, may use the name and our WYA trademark logos.
Our Standards are intended to regulate the Yoga Industry and support the integrity of a Registered Yoga Teacher or a Registered Yoga School. World Yoga Alliance registers yoga teachers from all traditions and styles and yoga schools whose teacher training programs (200 hours / 300 hours / 500 hours or above training courses) meet the standards outlined above.
If you had completed any educational level of yoga teacher training course with World Yoga Alliance certification via our Divisions or accredited Member Yoga schools/Institutions then you can achieve these all benefits from our organization.
The Certified members are able to use our services and benefits for a lifetime and we offer our certified member yoga teachers the following benefits:
Such as:
- Free Internship course for the upcoming two years with any Other Division of World Yoga Alliance (student must provide “Identification number” to qualify)
- Free lifetime membership to assistance and organizational support for establishing a yoga studio / Center / School or Unite (certified members must register first)
- Reduced teacher registration fee – 25% off.
- Free ongoing educational support in the form of conferences, seminars, and workshops;
- Free Advertisement / Promotion for yoga classes or workshops on our website.
- CYT Members are able to create an account and profile on our community website.
We are Reps UAE registered school:
Qualifications which are recognized by REPs UAE have been accredited by an international awarding body to ensure quality and standards. Click here to see a list of approved training providers and the qualifications they offer which give entry to REPs or can add an extra category to your profile.
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How Comprehensive Is Our Yoga-Teacher Training?
At Lifestyle Yoga, we encourage our students to surpass the learning experience of teaching yoga. Our best yoga teacher training in Dubai, empowers the clients to be highly skilled, knowledgeable and compelling as a yoga instructor. This way they can further impact the lives of their students with positive attributes.
Reliable Features Of Our Yoga Teacher Training in Dubai
We Share An In-depth Knowledge
We have always felt that yoga is not just limited to physical exercises. It mainly constructs our wellness by fueling good eminence within our soul, mind and spirit. This is the reason; we incorporate in-depth knowledge in our foundation stage of yoga teacher training sessions. Starting from the authentic scales of Hatha and Patanjali Yoga, Ayurveda, cleansing techniques, and Asana to mudras and breathing practices, we indulge in everything through which you can become a certified yoga teacher in Dubai.
Our experienced trainers will make the trainees indulge in numerous meditation tactics, yoga philosophy, and self-reflection through which they can abide by self-transformation. We will try to ignite the power of self-awareness by making the trainees explore their values, life objectives and certain beliefs. So, our yoga teacher training in Dubai session can be a soulful appeal to your life.
Adhere To A Yogic Lifestyle
We will teach you the comprehensive range of Yogic Lifestyle principles through which you can easily practice compassion and mindfulness. You will be assured about a positive approach through which a unique value of interacting with the world will be discovered.
Discover A Plethora of Opportunities
After completing our yoga teacher training sessions, a plethora of professional opportunities will knock on your doors. You will be eligible to teach within multiple fitness centres, yoga studios and wellness retreats. Moreover, you can further carry on the legacy of empowering the world with the positive aspects of Yoga.