Join us for our upcoming Meditation program – 5 days of intensive Meditation at Fairmont Hotel, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai.
With the hectic demands of modern life, many of us can feel stressed and worn-out. You can feel as if you don’t have enough time to get everything done, and that stress makes you generally unhappy and frustrated. Incorporating Meditation in your daily routine can help you to overcome stress and find your inner peace & balance.
The 5-Day Meditation Program doesn’t end on the fifth day of the program as it equips you with skills and techniques that are to last for a lifetime.
What you’ll learn throughout the program:
- An introduction to Meditation, based on the Yoga Philosophy
- Importance of Meditation in your day-to-day life
- Preparation &How to Meditate?
- Soham Mantra Meditation, including step-by-step practices
- Chakra Meditation
- Chidakash Meditation ( Space of consciousness )
- Mindfulness & Guided Meditation
- Mantra Meditation
- Third Eye Activation Through Meditation
- Self Healing Meditation
Meditation is a process that is scientifically proven as an effective method to be followed on a daily basis. This process empowers you with solid experience that enables you to discover yourself more and more. Begin your day with an early Meditation session for a more fruitful & productive day.
The 5-Day intensive Meditation program will help you understand the world of Meditation, and how you can easily Meditate at home.
Chakra Activation:
One of the core focuses of our 5-Day Meditation program is Chakra Meditation – The Chakra centers are like energetic motors within the mental, emotional & physical energy field we usually identify as “me.” Each Chakra center relates to a different area of our lives. A powerful Chakra Meditation would be to simply be with this overall body sensation and give it full permission to be here as it is.
Situated in the middle of the brain directly behind the center of the forehead, is the Third Eye chakra. This chakra governs the pituitary gland, which is the master gland of the endocrine system and strongly influences the functioning of the other endocrine glands. The endocrine system is very key to your overall health, thus, for optimum wellbeing, having the pituitary gland functioning properly is of paramount importance. Opening, balancing and healing the Agya Chakra, directly improves the functioning of this most important gland.
Benefits of Meditation Course:
Mindfulness Meditation is great for your mental and physical wellness. Here are some of the benefits that come along with adopting this practice in your daily routine:
- It reduces stress to a great extent
- Helps you get to know your true inner self
- It helps you even when you’re not practicing
- Improves your overall physical state
- Lowers the risks of depression among pregnant women
- Supports your weight-loss goals
- Makes you sleep better
- 11:00 am 6:30pm SHANGRI-LA DUBAI
- AED 350-/ Only
- Walk In: AED90-/ Only