6-Powerful Yoga Mudra To Heal the Self
A Mudra is a sacred gesture. It is used in yoga and meditation practice to channel the flow of vital force energy called Prana. This term is from the Sanskrit language and means “gesture,” “mark,” or “seal.”
Regular practice of Mudras contributes to the overall good health of an individual. It is a powerful tool for self-care. Each finger contains an individual pranic force that creates a link to the universal cosmic energy. There are more than 100 mudras known to humanity. These mudras are centuries-old developed by saints.
There are five elements in our body, along with the bones, tissues, ligaments, etc. They are Fire, air, earth, water, and ether (space). Each of these five elements is within us. Achieving a balance between these elements is essential for physical and mental well-being.
Each of these elements is associated with a chakra and particular finger in yoga practice. The use of mudras regularizes the flow of energy, creating a balance between the five elements. It also helps to quieten the mind just by a simple touch of our fingers.
The elements associated with each finger are
⋅The thumb – Fire
⋅The forefinger – Wind
⋅The middle finger – Ether or Space
⋅The ring finger – Earth
⋅The little finger – Water

How to practice the mudras?
Yoga mudras can be practiced by sitting in Vajrasana, Padmasana or Sukhasana. The posture should be comfortable to achieve stillness in the body and mind during the practice. One could practice sitting in a chair also.
Rub your hands for 20 seconds or more to get the circulation going in the palms. You will feel the warmth rising out of your hands, which indicates the activation of the nerve endings. The heat helps in the stimulation of each cell linked to various body parts/organs.
Place your hands onto your lap with palms facing up. Quieten your thoughts and breathe in a relaxed manner. Stay in the position for 10 seconds before you start the practice of any mudra.
Take gentle breaths while practicing the Mudras.
“When the five fingers are touched and pressed in a peculiar way to form a Yoga-Mudra, it affects the levels of the five elements in our body, thus balancing those elements and inducing good health & wellness.”
1. GYAN MUDRA OR CHIN MUDRA…. Gyan mudra, otherwise known as chin mudra, is a hand gesture used to direct energy and maintain focus. Gyan is the Sanskrit term for knowledge or wisdom. Gyan Mudra is a powerful mudra that students can practice anytime. This Mudra symbolizes the union of the self with the universe. The thumb represents the supreme consciousness or Brahman, while the index finger represents the practitioner’s individual Atman.
Placement of hands for Gyan or Chin Mudra.
- Keep your hands on your lap, palms facing upward.
- Join the tip of your thumb with that of the index finger.
- Stretch out the other three fingers on each hand.
- As the name suggests, this Mudra helps to balance the air element in our body.
Benefits of practicing Gyan Mudra.
- Helps in concentration and learning.
- It eases tension and stress, relieves headaches.
- Improves the health of the brain, thus battling insomnia and depression.
- Aids in relief from pains like sciatica and arthritis.

2. VAYU MUDRA…. MUDRA OF THE AIR ELEMENT. The name comes from the Sanskrit word Vayu that means air. Vayu mudra is a yogic hand gesture believed to help regulate and reduce the air element within the body.
Placement of hands for Vayu Mudra.
- Keep your hands on the lap, palms facing upward.
- Fold your index finger and touch the second phalanx bone with the tip of your thumb.
- Apply gentle pressure so that the tip of the index finger should touch the base of the thumb.
- Straighten the other three fingers and keep them activated.
Benefits of practicing Vayu Mudra.
- It helps in the elimination of stomach-related problems like bloating, constipation, and excess gas.
- Relives chest pain.
- Provides immunity against chest-related infections like cold and cough.
- Relieves discomfort from arthritis, gout, Parkinson’s disease, and paralysis.
- This Mudra can be used, along with sitting in Vajrasana, immediately after meals to improve digestion and relieve gas.

3. SURYA MUDRA—MUDRA OF THE FIRE ELEMENT. This Mudra is associated with the metabolic functions of the body. Surya Mudra increases the fire element and reduces the earth element in the body. This Mudra is also known as Agni Vardhak mudra (Agni meaning “fire”) or Prithvi Shamak mudra (Prithvi meaning “earth”).
Placement of hands for the Mudra.
- Place your hands gently on the lap.
- Bend the ring finger inward.
- Place the tip of the ring finger on the base of the thumb.
- Touch the second phalanx bone of the ring finger with the thumb and press
- Stretch out the other three fingers.
Benefits of practicing Surya Mudra
- Increases the heat in the body.
- Improves metabolism, hence promoting weight loss.
- Improves digestion power.

4. PRANA MUDRA- MUDRA OF LIFE FORCE. This Mudra is a sacred hand gesture to channelize the flow of vital life force energy, also known as Prana, hence a powerful gesture. It balances the elements of earth, water, and Fire within our physical body. This Mudra activates the Mooladhara chakra from which the three main energy channels of the body emerge.
Placement of hands for the Mudra.
- Place your hands gently on the lap.
- Bring the tips of the little finger, ring finger, and thumb together.
- The index and middle finger remain extended
- The palm should be facing upwards.
Benefits of performing Prana Mudra.
- Aids in strengthening the immune system.
- Energizes the body when one is tired. Reduces fatigue.
- It sharpens the vision and improves eyesight.
- Relieves tension and stress.
Improves blood circulation

5. PRITHVI MUDRA– MUDRA OF THE EARTH. The Prithvi Mudra helps to promote healing and attain spiritual balance within our bodies. In yogic practice, the Mudra is said to stimulate the Mooladhara chakra or the root energy Centre.
Placement of hands for the Mudra.
- Place your hands gently on the lap.
- The tip of the ring fingers should be pressed to the ends of the thumbs on each hand.
- Extend the other fingers straight.
- Palms should be facing upward.
Benefits of practicing Prithvi Mudra.
- Strengthens the tissues in the body.
- It helps to overcome fatigue.
- Gives strength to bones. Keeps arthritis and osteoporosis at bay.
- Suitable for controlling hair fall and premature greying of hair.
- Suitable for any skin diseases and rashes like urticaria.

Anjali is a Sanskrit word that translates into divine offering or a salutation. In the yoga community, classes often conclude with this Mudra while chanting OM Shanti to finish the practice and honor the practice of yoga. Anjali mudra is in many yoga poses like tadasana. This hand gesture is the beginning of the sun salutation practice.
Placement of the hands for the Mudra.
- Bring the palms together, and place the thumbs lightly on the Anahata (heart chakra), the fingers pointing upwards.
- Press the palms evenly together; the fingertips should touch each other.
- Bow your chin towards the thumbs while bringing the back of the head slightly back.
Benefits of practicing Anjali Mudra.
- Stimulates the Anahata or the heart chakra.
- Promotes flexibility in the wrist and arm joints.
- Improves focus during meditation practice.
- Calms the mind and relieves the stress.
- Connects the brain’s right and left hemispheres

Yoga Mudras, along with meditation, can help us live a life full of joy. We can derive various benefits by performing these mudras. When we can be the master of our own health, let us take time each day to practice the ancient concept of Mudras.