200Hr Yoga Teacher Training Dubai

Transition Into A Rewarding Career As A Yoga Instructor With The Lifestyle Yoga “Find your Essence And Live It”
YTT Programme
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Yogis Experience and Highlight of previous Yoga Teacher Training
Transition into a Rewarding Career as a Certified Yoga Instructor
From September 13th, 2025
Are you ready to deepen your yoga practice and become a certified yoga instructor? Lifestyle Yoga Studio in Dubai presents a 200-Hour Hatha, Raja, and Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course, designed in accordance with Yoga Alliance USA. This 13-week in-person program is a transformational journey that will prepare you to teach yoga with confidence while embracing a yogic lifestyle.
13/09/2025 – 10/12/2025 - Yoga Alliance 200-hr In-Person course in Dubai with Sumit Manav
Instructors are in huge demand.
Graduates currently teach online, in yoga studios, fitness centers, and privately.
The last chance discount ends in…
What You’ll Learn
- Fundamentals of Yoga: Explore the principles of Hatha, Raja, and Vinyasa Yoga.
- Yogic Lifestyle: Learn how to incorporate yoga into your daily life.
- Teaching Methodology: Develop the skills to organize and lead yoga classes confidently.
- Anatomy & Physiology: Understand the human body in relation to yoga practice.
- Philosophy & Ethics: Learn the spiritual and ethical foundations of yoga.
- Meditation & Pranayama: Master breathing techniques for mind-body balance.

Why Choose Lifestyle Yoga World?
Lifestyle Yoga is an international yoga teacher training school with a yoga center in UAE and the United Kingdom. We provide internationally accredited professional yoga courses and training while maintaining the authenticity of the traditional teachings.
Internationally Recognized Yoga School:
With centers in the UAE and the UK, Lifestyle Yoga offers accredited professional yoga teacher training while preserving the authenticity of traditional teachings.
All-Inclusive Program:
Includes manual books, a yoga kit, access to a content library, and additional learning resources
Inspired by Traditional Teachings:
The syllabus is aligned with Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar, AAYUSH, and Yoga Alliance USA standards
Comprehensive Curriculum:
Gain in-depth knowledge from Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and Vedanta.
Led by Expert Trainers:
The program is conducted by international yoga experts Sumit Manav with over 25 years and 35,000+ hours of teaching experience.
Holistic Learning Experience
Spiritual bonding through classical instrumental music, mantra chanting, gong bath, philosophy and meditation.
Why choose Lifestyle Yoga World?
Lifestyle Yoga is an international yoga teacher training school with a yoga center in UAE and the United Kingdom. We provide internationally accredited professional yoga courses and training while maintaining the authenticity of the traditional teachings.
When you turn your passion for yoga into your profession, you work feels like a play.
Lifestyle Yoga is accredtied with Yoga Allaince USA. You can teach yoga in any coutnry.
Lifestyle Yoga is a perfect combo for Authentic & Modern yoga values and principles.
Work and learn opportunities after completion
Yoga Teacher combined teaching experince of 30+ years together.
Our support for you to grow remain even after the finishing of the cousre.
Why are we unique? Detailed Program Overview
- “Find your Essence And Live It” is the motto of our yoga teacher training program.
- Have you been waiting to do a Yoga course in Dubai that has all the elements and flavor of the traditional teachings of the modern approach? Then don’t miss our Sep 2022 In-Person yoga teacher training course.
- We aim to offer this unique-13 weeks 200-hour In-Person program in a wholesome way where students will not only grasp the technical aspect of yoga but also experience the essence of yogic lifestyle and culture.
- We would like you to experience the warmth and sincerity of the ancient way of learning with high inner awareness and inspiration.
- Extended Individual attention and question-answer sessions will available.
- The course is designed with initial preparation time that will help students to break free from the conditioning of worldly roles to the authentic self. This openness will help you to tune in with yogic ways and the spiritual aspects of yoga.
- Spiritual, Healing & Bonding with classical instrumental music, mantra chanting, gong bath, Havan, Bhajans
- Courses are taught by renowned Indian teacher Sumit Manav who has more than 22-years & 30,000-hour teaching experience internationally.
- The syllabus is inspired by Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar, Aayush & in accordance with Yoga Alliance USA.
- Includes Access to Content Library
- Includes lessons from Bhagwad Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutra, hatha yoga pradipika & Vedanta
- Individual attention to enhance the uniqueness of each individual to build deeper confidence in them to become great yoga teachers
- Manual, books and Kit is included in the fees.
Review From Previous Course
Let’s define what really makes a “GOOD” Yoga Teacher…
Lifestyle Yoga is an international yoga teacher training school with a yoga center in UAE and the United Kingdom. We provide internationally accredited professional yoga courses and training while maintaining the authenticity of the traditional teachings.
#1: Ability To Connect
No matter the size of the yoga class, certified yoga instructors make everyone feel comfortable and have an impact on each person so that the person feels like they belong. Every great yoga teacher will touch the heart of their students in some way.
#2: Presence
Any successful teacher must command the attention of the students. Yoga students should want to watch every move the teacher makes! It’s an indescribable quality, like a natural confidence. As the yoga teacher works the room, a subtle touch, a shout-out, or even a glance can be enough to uplift the students.
#3: Energy & Personality
This can vary greatly between yoga teachers. Some warm your heart with the way they teach, while others bring a light-heartedness and sense of humor. Ideally, you want your energy to be focused, calm, centered, and enthusiastic.
#4: Prepration
Having a plan for the yoga class is always a great idea. Know what you are going to do in class that day, arrive early, talk to students, and create a peaceful environment before the class even begins.
#5: Personalisation
The meaning here changes depending on who you ask. Some say it means a yoga teacher should have a certain teaching style, a signature look or phrase, or simply the ability to cater to both beginners and advanced students at the same time. Choose what you want to bring to the class and make sure you bring it to every class.
#6: Physicality
The best way to lead is by example. While you don’t have to be the most gifted physically or the most flexible, you do need to have an understanding of movement, alignment and physiology, and consistent practice of your own.
#7: Love of Yoga
You can always spot the teacher who loves what they do. There are some yoga teachers who feel burned out, and those that will never know the feeling. Yoga aims to improve the mind, body, and spirit. When the yoga teacher loves what they do, that feeling is transferred into the students as well.
#8: Attention to Detail
Sometimes simple adjustments are needed, and sometimes bad habits need to be kicked to the side and re-learned entirely. A great yoga teacher will watch their students, making sure no one is going to get injured and that everything is executed properly. A certified yoga instructor who focuses more on their students will have happier students.
#9: Teaching
The person must want to teach, want to improve, and want to inspire! While none of us want to hear a lecture, it’s great when a yoga teacher really knows their stuff. A simple explanation of the medical benefits of postures or variations for people with injuries or physical limitations can go a long way in demonstrating knowledge and gaining credibility.
We will be following the Curriculum guidelines by Yoga Alliance to ensure a wholesome Teacher Training experience.

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Yoga Course Dates
Weekend 1
Sun 17th Sep 9am – 5pm
Weekend 2
Sun 24th Sept 9am – 5pm
Weekend 3
Sun 1st Oct 9am – 5pm
Weekend 4
Sun 8th Oct - DAY OFF
Weekend 5
Sun 15th Oct 9am – 5pm
Weekend 6
Sun 22rd Oct 9am – 5pm
Weekend 7
Sun 29th Oct 9am – 5pm
Weekend 8
Sun 5th Nov 9am -5pm
Weekend 9
Weekend 10
Sun 19th Nov 9am -5pm
Weekend 11
Sun 26th Nov 9am -5pm
Weekend 12
Sun 2nd Dec 9am -5pm
Weekend 13
Sun 10th Dec (Exam and Celebration)
Early Bird Offer
200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training: Transform Your Practice, Inspire the World
Module 1
Yoga Asana
- 100+ classical yoga asanas
- How to teach 84 classical poses and 21 basic classical Hatha Yoga poses in precise detail, as well as the
- Sun Salutation?
- How to create a proper class environment & ambience?
- How to master the Hatha & Vinayasa flow Teaching
- Important rule & pointers on teaching a yoga class
- Basic structure & theme of a yoga class
- Basic structure of the beginner’s course
- Yoga asana variations for beginners and elementary levels
- Yogic Passive Stretches
- Yoga for pregnant women
- How and when to modify asanas?
- Deep relaxation / Yoga Nidra / Shavasana
- 10 + yoga theme to learn, practice and master
- Learning the concept of Vinyasa Salutation
Module 2
- What is Pranayama?
- Classification of Pranayama
- Types of Pranayama
- Balancing Ida, Pingala & Shushumna in Practice
- Importance of three Bandhas in Pranayama/kumbhaka
- Importance of MahaBandha
- Abdominal breathing
- Full yogic breath
- Anulom Vilom
- 10 advanced pranayama
Module 3
Bandha, Kumbhaka & Shat Kriyas
- Three Bandhas: Jalandhara, Moola, Uddiyana
- Mahav Banda
- Physiology of Kumbhak
- Internal & External Lock
- Energy uplifting with kumbhaka
- Shat kriyas: Jala and Sutra neti, Nauli, Dhauti, Basti Tratak, Kapalabhati
Module 4
The 4-Path of Yoga
- Jnana Yoga
- Raja Yoga
- Bhakti Yoga
- Karma Yoga
Module 5
Meditation or Dhyana
- What is meditation?
- Meditation vs Concentration
- Why meditate?
- Guide to proper meditation
- Different methods and steps to meditation
- What are mantras? How to chant mantras?
- Ego & its Management
- Chita & its Management
- Budhi or Intelligence & Budhi or Intelligence Management
- Manas or Mind & Management
- Vritis, Whirlpool of the Mind and Management
- Preparation for Meditation
- Feeling the Goal
- Guided Meditation
Module 6
Kundalini Yoga
- Purification of Nadis
- Awakening of the Kundalini shakti
- Common obstacles in the path of Kundalini awakening
- Three main nadis: Ida, Pingla, Sushumna
- Seven chakras
Module 7
Yoga Philosophy
- Aim and meaning of yoga
- Five principles of yogic practice
- Four paths of yoga
- Eight Limbs of Raja Yoga
- Seven stages of awareness
- Three gunas – Sattva, Rajas, Tamas
- Maya, Prakriti, Brhaman, Avidya
- Atman, Parmataman, Jiva
- Three bodies; physical, astral, spiritual
- Four inner instruments; mind, intellect, subconscious, ego
- Working of the mind
- Five major and five minor pranas
- Five minor prana
- Nature of mind
- Patanjali Yoga Sutra chanting and understanding
Module 8
Yoga Anatomy & Phyisology
- Eight main body systems
- Spine and its common disorders
- Difference between yoga and other physical exercises
- Injury prevention and cures
- Alignments, adjustments and modifications
- Compression & Tension
- Stretch Therapy and how it works
- Yoga as therapy
Module 9
Teaching Methodology & Techinques
- Psychology of a yoga teacher
- Psychology of a yoga student
- Correction and guidance techniques
- Motivation techniques
- Communication techniques
- Structuring and planning the classes and workshops
Module 10
Yoga Teacher Ethical Guide
- Ethical guidelines for a yoga teacher
- Personality of a yoga teacher
Module 11
Yogic Diet & Nutrition
- What is Ayurveda?
- Yogic diet as per yogic scripture
- Effect of diet, nutrition and lifestyle on body and mind
- Body types and suitable diets
Module 12
Running Your Own Yoga School
- How to set up your yoga business or yoga studio?
- How to: find a location, advertise and promote, and get renewals?
- Common fallback and mistakes and how to avoid them
- Practical tips for the smooth running of a yoga school / yoga studio
- Yoga Branding & Marketing
Lifestyle Yoga Dubai
From September 13th, 2025 for over the 13 weekends.
Fees Structure 200-Hour TTC
Save your spot now with a deposit of AED1500

The Best 200 Hour Training Online in Dubai
Lifestyle Yoga is the industry leader in 200 hours yoga teacher training in Dubai. We have been providing online classes and teacher training for the last two decades. Our 200 hours yoga teacher training Dubai are accredited, and persons trained in our institute hold high positions in various yoga centres and academies. There is a huge demand for yoga teachers now, and 200 hour yoga training Dubai will help you build an amazing career in the yoga industry. Our courses cover all the departments of yoga, including all the asanas, meditation, philosophy and more. Our training programs are worthwhile and provide you with an enriching experience, even if you are a teacher already.
Our yoga 200-hour training online course not only imparts the knowledge and practicalities of yoga but also instruct how you can become a renowned teacher in the most authentic way. Join our yoga studios Dubai to kick start an amazing career in yoga teaching and training.
Our Teachers

Founder of Lifestyle Yoga (Lead Teacher)
Sumit’s journey began at the early age of 14 in a North Indian town in Uttar Pradesh (India). He then proceeded to the Himalayas..

Creative Yoga Flow Expert
As a lifelong learner, I’m committed to continuous growth and development. My 8 years yogs and 1 year at Lifestyle Yoga have been transformative, not only as a teacher but also as an individual.
Application Requirement
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Complete application for admission; this includes an online application form
- Minimum 6 months to 1 year of regular yoga practice prior to the course so that you are comfortable with yoga postures.
- Read through and agree to the terms and conditions (actionable through your application form)
- A willingness to learn and improve your life!

How Can Our Yoga Certification Strengthen You Professionally?
At Lifestyle Yoga, we channelise the most comprehensive Yoga Alliance in Dubai. It is considered to be a premier program for trainees who want to diversify their knowledge in yoga practice and want to teach others. Our expert trainers have cultivated the best 200-hour yoga teacher training sessions to help you develop the skills and knowledge that you need to become an instructor. Moreover, this extensive experience will leverage a wide array of professional opportunities as mentioned below:
Professional Strength Of Yoga Certification Dubai
Go For your New Yoga Studio
With our ultimate teaching skills and knowledge, you can easily get your Yoga Certification Course in Dubai. To further channel your knowledge, you can give rise to your own studio for yoga. Here, you can teach others about the befitting aspects of yoga and how it can fuel our body.
Teach Specific Styles of Yoga
At Lifestyle Yoga, you will be learning a wide range of yoga styles and exercises. So, according to your Yoga Certification in Dubai, you can teach specific styles such as Yin Yoga, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Hatha and more. This way, you can draw the attention of the clients who want to nurture their knowledge in that particular style.
Personal Classes
After completion of the Yoga Instructor Course in Dubai, you are capable of giving personal yoga classes to the trainees. These one-on-one sessions can make you easily customise the practices at the convenience of your students. This way, their experience of learning will be more versatile.